Saturday, October 11, 2008


I am sore and am hurting....BUT I AM ALIVE! I am also glad that it wasn't my fault.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rebekah & Preston HISTORY: First Date!

Rebekah & Preston HISTORY: THE CHAIR

Finally, I recieve a phone call! I was in the JSB studying! I say hello and he is like Beckah how are you? "I am doing good. Who is this?" Yes that is right I didn't even recognize who was on the phone. Finally He is like Preston..."who"...Preston from English class..."Ohhh Hey Preston how are you" Yeah I felt my defense it took him a long time to call. I thought he might not call at all. He asked if I wanted to go get lunch with him and I said I already ate, (I just didn't want him to pay for lunch for me when I am not hungry) But I told him that I was studying, but I wouldn't mind catching up with him as he ate. So we arranged to meet in the cafeteria. He went to wait in line to get his food and I waited at the table. While I was sitting I placed my hands under the edge of my chair and to my horror...not only did I find bubble gum stuck under there, But My left hand was being pinched by the chair. The chair was broken and I needed my weight to press down on the I would stand up to look at how to free my hand the weight would lessen and the metal clamp would come up exerting more pressure on my hand. So sitting there stuck was the less painful..I remember thinking how I would love preston to be my knight in shinning armor so I sat patiently waiting for him....but he took forever. I finally gave up on the idea of being saved and figured out how to save myself. I pressed all my weight down as hard as I could and was able to free my hand....when Preston came back I told him the story and that I was hoping he would have gotten his food sooner so he could have saved me.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Rebekah & Preston HISTORY: Getting My Number!

Preston and I had been hanging out for a long time at the library and we were together a lot talking...I was starting to question how he felt about me. It has been so long and he hasn't asked me for my phone number yet. Keep in mind this was quiet strange for me...Preston did mention, "we should hang out sometime." and I told him that I would love to but I have a waiting list! Yeah, I thought I was something else. I had dates lined up for every friday and saturday for a month! If you wanted to go on a date with me I would tell you the first weekend available. Guys would only know me for five minutes and ask me on a date. I really hated this because 1.) I was aweful at saying no, and 2.) YOU just met me five minutes ago SLOW DOWN. well Preston did a slow approach but he didn't have to be that slow. Turns out Preston thought the waiting list was intimidating (I thought I was just bragging about how cool I was. I thought wrong, but in my defense I did bump Preston up on the list..yeah lame I know.) So it took him a little longer to get my number....oh but when he did it was wonderful...We were walking out of the HBLL and were at Brigham Square (this was either on the last day of class or after our final exam.) Basically I would never see him again unless I ran into him. So I was kind of like hmm I guess this is going to end I hope not. As we were about to part our ways never to be seen again, he said something to the effect of, "hey I forgot my phone, but can I have you write your number down for me." Of course I responded with a Silent FINALLY. Then he scrounged his pockets and found a dollar bill and said umm Do you want to write it down on here. I said isn't that illegal and he was like oh..umm and pulled out a recipt for me to use...I then said, "I was kind of hoping to write it on the dollar bill." Being young and rebelouse I was feeling a little wild. So he pulled it out and I wrote my number down, and we said Goodbye.